Search the Jewish Sports Hall of Fame

Jews in the Greater Hartford area have long been active in sports, whether at school or in clubs, formally or self-organized. Some played for the experience or to fill time, others had the talent, drive and support to compete or participate at the national, international and professional levels. Members of our community have pursued sports as athletes or as managers, agents, promoters, writers, broadcasters, coaches and student advocates. Now you can search the list of inductees by sport, year inducted, role or name. We are in the process of writing and uploading biographies for each athlete. If you have information, mementos or photographs for our inductees, please let us know by email.!

There are 86 honorees of the Jewish Sports Hall of Fame, representing sports activity from the earliest days of the 20th century into the early aughts of the 21st.


First NameLast NameSportCategoryRoleYear InductedAbout
Peter Roisman Basketball, Soccer, Golf Adult Athlete, Attorney 2002 Biography
Louis Rogow Cycling, Ice Skating Adult Athlete 1983 Biography
Milton Richman Football Adult Athlete 1986 Biography
Kimberly Putterman soccer, indoor track, softball Youth Athlete 2006
Leo Pinsky Baseball, Basketball, Football Adult Athlete 1986 Biography
Frances "Teddy" Grody Paul Cross-Country, Cycling Adult Athlete 1992 Biography
Sylvia Novarr Tennis Adult Athlete 1983 Biography
Harriet Novarr Basketball Adult Athlete 1995 Biography
Louis Nassau Basketball Adult Athlete 1983 Biography
N. Aaron "Butch" Naboicheck Track & Field Adult Athlete 1984 Biography
Evan Nabel soccer, baseball, wrestling Youth Athlete 1999
Sandy Myerson Swimming Adult Athlete 1997 Biography
Amy Myerson Gymnastics Youth Athlete 1989
Ellen Myerson Gymnastics Youth Athlete 1989
Bennett Myers Weinerman Youth Athlete 2007
Elana Mourad soccer, track & field Youth Athlete 1992
Elise Miller tennis Youth Athlete 2006
Brian Militzok tennis Youth Athlete 1994
Bennett Meyers Baseball, Tennis Adult Athlete 1983 Biography
Ezra "Zeke" Melrose Football Adult Advocate, Athlete 1985 Biography
Jonathan Mason tennis, hockey Youth Athlete 1998
George Marcus Baseball, Basketball Adult Athlete 1992 Biography
Nathan Lipman Baseball, Basketball, Football Adult Athlete 1989 Biography
Samuel Levy Basketball Adult Athlete 1989 Biography
Manuel "Manny" Leibert Boxing Adult Coach, Promoter 1985 Biography
Sara Lappen soccer, tennis Youth Athlete 1999
Abraham Lane Baseball Adult Athlete 2002 Biography
Jeffrey Lane baseball, basketball Youth Athlete 2002
David Krichavsky basketball, tennis, soccer Youth Athlete 1995
Whitney Kostin soccer, softball Youth Athlete 1998
Elisabeth Kostin soccer, tennis Youth Athlete 2000
Gabriel Kleinman soccer, basketball, lacrosse Youth Athlete 1996
Louis "Kid" Kaplan Boxing Adult Athlete 1983 Biography
Irving "Chick" Joseph Track & Field Adult Athlete 1986 Biography
Philip Isenberg Football Adult Athlete 1983 Biography
Sam Hyman Baseball Adult Athlete 1984 Biography
Frieda Hyman Baseball, Fencing Adult Athlete 1985 Biography
Sarah Heyn soccer, indoor track, lacrosse Youth Athlete 2001
Harry Herbert Football, Lacrosse Adult Athlete 1984 Biography
Sydney Greenbaum Baseball, Football Adult Athlete 1985 Biography
Philip "Pinney" Greenbaum Football Adult Athlete 1997 Biography
Evan Goldstein tennis Youth Athlete 1990
Philp Goldenberg Football, Track & Field Adult Athlete 1985 Biography
Philip Goldberg Football, Track & Field Adult Athlete 1987 Biography
Sidney "Lefty" Goldberg Baseball Adult Athlete 1987 Biography
Daniel Goldberg Tennis Adult Athlete 1997 Biography
Michael Goldberg Youth Athlete 2005
Matthew Gelles baseball, basketball Youth Athlete 2006
Amy Friedman soccer, tennis Youth Athlete 1995
Eric Fischer Youth Athlete 2007