Jewish Life in Middletown

2:00 PM, Sunday, November 3, 2024 at Congregation Adath Israel, 8 Broad St, Middletown, CT In honor of Congregation Adath Israel’s 120th anniversary, learn about the legacy of the Jewish community in Middletown, Connecticut from the nineteenth century to the present. Explore Middletown’s early Jewish history, the evolution of theRead More →

Search the Jewish Sports Hall of Fame


Jews in the Greater Hartford area have long been active in sports, whether at school or in clubs, formally or self-organized. Some played for the experience or to fill time, others had the talent, drive and support to compete or participate at the national, international and professional levels. Members ofRead More →

Remembering Norman Lear

    June 20, 2024 at the Mandell JCC. Norman Lear was a giant in TV history. His first major show, “All in the Family,” was a biting commentary on American life, taking on bigotry and abortion, at a time when safer shows like ‘Bewitched’ and “The Brady Bunch’ ruledRead More →