Opening the Gates of Opportunity 1.29.24

Mark Oppenheimer, creator of the podcast “Gatecrashers” about Jews and the Ivy League, and Walt Harrison, President Emeritus of the University of Hartford, discuss how Jews fought for entry into elite institutions of higher learning in the twentieth century. This struggle to diversify college campuses—and the fight for inclusion—transformed American society. Understanding this history provides context for the current moment, especially following the recent Supreme Court ruling over college admissions practices. Amy Weiss, Director of the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies, moderated the discussion.

Opening the Gates of Opportunity: Access to Higher Education Then and Now

January 29, 7 PM at the Maurice Greenberg Center, University of Hartford

Sponsored by the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies, University of Hartford
Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford
UCONN Center for Judaic Studies
University of Hartford Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement
University of Hartford President’s College

Bonus: Read about the Nassau brothers of Hartford and their history at Yale Law School in this Story Of Four Brothers from the Slifka Center at Yale