Local Heroes in the Jewish Community

Explore how local leaders Beatrice Fox Auerbach, Annie Fisher, and Abraham Ribicoff applied Jewish values of chesed and tzedakah (compassion and justice) in their work. PowerPoint presentation highlights examples, sources and questions for teachers and others looking to illustrate how these values can translates to everyday life. Click to seeRead More →

Religious Freedom: Role-Playing Timeline

Time Line is a short interactive activity designed to designed to show upper elementary or middle school students that it takes many people from different parts of a community to create change, while actively learning about how Jews had to work with allies to get religious equality here in Connecticut.Read More →

Religious Freedom in Connecticut

Religious Freedom for Jews in Connecticut is a primary source-based activity exploring how Jewish immigrants in the 1840s used the right of petition to expand religious freedom in a state that had initially excluded them. It is part of the Teach It: Bringing Connecticut History to the Classroom initiative ofRead More →

Immigrants Build a Community

Immigrants Build a Community: Hartford Jews in the Early 20th Century is a primary source-based activity using historical photographs and other documents to explore how immigrants made themselves feel at home in Hartford. It is part of the Teach It: Bringing Connecticut History to the Classroom initiative of Connecticut Humanities.Read More →

Local History Topics

These cards on different topics in local Jewish history can be displayed or printed out and used as a starting point for discussion and further exploration. For more information on “Jewish Stars” Beatrice Fox Auerbach and Annie Fisher, see our Trailblazer exhibition here.Read More →